Public Notice: waitlists are open 3/3/2025 to 4/25/2025. To apply, click here

FY 2026 MTW Annual Plan - Notice of Public Hearing and Public Comment Period. FInd details here.

close up of WFD program participants
katie simonson and cori fisher

Workforce Development

Workforce development’s mission is to increase economic security among residents, strengthen family foundations, build generational wealth, and teach fundamental skills to promote independence. The program offers residents a life changing opportunity. Watch the video below to see how it works!

RHA Representative handing over a check to a Workforce participant

Who’s eligible to participate in Workforce Development?

The program is open to all adult residents of RHA’s public housing and rental assistance programs who are in good standing with RHA, looking to increase their earned income, create a savings account, further their education, open a business or find new employment opportunities.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Think about it. In five years, you could have a job you love, stable transportation, childcare you can afford and savings to use as a down payment on a home for your family. Those are goals Workforce Development can help you achieve.

group photo of RHA Representative with Workforce workshop participants

Workforce Development Workshops

Select a Month to Filter Events/Meetings
Select a Month
Workshop TitleWorkshop DateWorkshop TimeRSVP
Workforce Development WorkshopAugust 7, 202416:00RSVP TODAY
Workforce Development Workshop at SilveradaJuly 3, 202416:00RSVP TODAY
Workforce Development Workshop (Silverada)June 5, 202416:00RSVP TODAY
Workforce Development Workshop (Silverada)May 1, 202416:00RSVP TODAY
Career Fair and WFD WorkshopsApril 24, 202415:00RSVP TODAY
Workforce Development Workshop (Silverada)March 6, 202416:00RSVP TODAY
Workforce Development Workshop (Silverada)February 7, 202416:00RSVP TODAY
Financial Literacy Workshop at SilveradaOctober 18, 202316:00RSVP TODAY
Resume Writing WorkshopOctober 11, 202313:00RSVP TODAY
Parenting Workshop at SilveradaOctober 4, 202316:00RSVP TODAY
For questions or to RSVP, please contact the WFD team via email at or by phone at 775-329-3630 ext. 270 or ext. 280.
Join the Workforce Development Program

Easily apply to join the workforce development program by submitting a completed Online Pre-Enrollment Packet (PDF) and emailing it to

Name the WFD Online Pre-Enrollment Packet with your First Name, Last Name, Month/Year and WFD.

ex: Jane Doe April 2023 WFD

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