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80 Years of Providing Affordable Housing

RHA celebrates its 80-year anniversary

From humble beginnings in 1943 serving just 144 families, the agency has grown to be the largest provider of affordable housing in Washoe County, serving nearly 9,000 Nevadans annually. As a HUD-designated high performing housing authority, RHA is a solution for thousands of low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities in the Truckee Meadows.

What does the organization look like at 80 years old? The RHA owns 750 public housing units. Additionally, RHA administers more than 2,500 Housing Choice Vouchers each year, alongside more than 560 specialty vouchers for veterans, former foster youth and victims of domestic violence. Wholly separate from our public housing and HCV programs, RHA’s expanded housing options include another 530 below-market-rate apartments, condos, mobile homes, duplexes and single family homes.

“We continue to implement new programs to better serve our residents and expand affordable housing in Washoe County,” said RHA Executive Director, Dr. Hilary Lopez . “As we look to the future, we hope to broaden these opportunities and provide even more Nevadan’s with a safe, secure place to call home.”

As a MTW agency, RHA is able to extend its reach beyond the front door. The specialty designation allows RHA to test & innovative, locally-designed approaches to administering housing programs and self-sufficiently strategies. These programs include workforce development and youth Start Smart programs, both of which offer educational workshops including financial literacy and resume building, and programs to assist people in obtaining employment and becoming economically self-sufficient.

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